
Eastern Railway Women’s Welfare Organisation’s dedication to serving the community’s needs.

Sarbjeet Singh: Bureau Chief-East

Asansol :-A comprehensive Health Awarness Camp focused on Breast Cancer, Cervical Cancer & Bone Density was organised by Eastern Railway Women’s Welfare Organisation, Asansol Railway Division at Domohoni Railway Colony, Asansol on 28th March for the Lady Staff of the Division and their families.

The event featured informative sessions by medical professionals specializing women’s health in presence of Smt. Anjali Singh, President of ERWWO and other esteemed members. The Medical Officers and professionals elucidated on how women can identify and address health concerns including private medical matters.

Breast Cancer and Cervical Cancer are among the most prevalent cancers affecting women worldwide, and early detection significantly improves treatment outcomes. The camp provided crucial information about the importance of regular screenings, self-examination techniques, and lifestyle modifications to reduce the risk of developing these diseases.

Moreover, the camp highlighted the significance of bone health and raising awareness about osteoporosis by raising awareness and preventive measures, the Women Welfare Organisation aimed to empower women to proactively manage their bone density and overall musculoskeletal health.

The Health Awareness Camp served as a testament to the Eastern Railway Women’s Welfare Organisation’s dedication to serving the community’s needs. By addressing crucial health issues and providing educational resources, the organisation continues to make a positive impact on the lives of lady staff of Asansol Railway Division and beyond.

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