
NHRC winter internship 2024 wraps up: Empowering youth for human rights advocacy

By Doruvu Paul Jagan Babu:Bureau Chief

New Delhi: The National Human Rights Commission (NHRC), India, concluded its 4-week Winter Internship – 2024 for post-graduate students, with 61 participants from across the nation gaining valuable insights into human rights mechanisms and advocacy.

Empowering youth for human rights

The internship, held in-person, witnessed the participation of 61 students, 80% of whom were female, from diverse academic disciplines and backgrounds. Selected from over 1,000 applicants, the interns represented 18 states and two Union Territories, reflecting India’s diversity.

NHRC Chairperson, Justice V Ramasubramanian, lauded the successful completion of the program during the valedictory session. He emphasized the significance of cultivating human values to respect others’ rights and urged the youth to make constructive use of their access to information.

Indian ethos of human rights

Justice Ramasubramanian highlighted the rich Indian tradition of respecting human rights, as enshrined in the Constitution, which abolished untouchability and guaranteed equal rights to all, including women. Drawing comparisons, he discussed the protracted evolution of human rights in the United States, citing pivotal movements like Rosa Parks’ defiance and Martin Luther King Jr.’s civil rights activism.

The value of on-site learning

Justice Ramasubramanian underscored the importance of in-person internships over virtual programs, stressing the role of interpersonal communication in learning life skills. He commended the high female participation, noting women’s historical leadership in human rights movements.

Broadening horizons through field exposure

NHRC Secretary General Bharat Lal urged students to internalize empathy and responsiveness, calling their efforts to expand human rights outreach the real ‘Guru Dakshina.’

The internship combined theoretical learning with practical exposure through visits to institutions like police stations, Tihar Jail, National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission, and Asha Kiran Shelter Home. These visits offered firsthand insights into the functioning of human rights mechanisms and the challenges faced by vulnerable communities.

Acknowledging excellence

Joint Secretary Devendra Kumar Nim presented the internship report, highlighting key activities, including sessions by NHRC officers, civil society leaders, and experts. He also announced winners of the book review, group research project, and declamation competitions, celebrating the interns’ outstanding contributions.

The internship served as a platform to inspire and empower future leaders in human rights advocacy, equipping them with knowledge, skills, and a commitment to social justice.

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