
The rising tide of Anti-Christian sentiment in India

By Doruvu Paul Jagan Babu:Bureau Chief

In the face of growing hostility and systematic persecution, India’s Christian minority finds itself grappling with a climate of fear and injustice. Dr. L K Mruthyunjaya, a Christian Scholar and Public Intellectual, delves into the troubling realities of anti-Christian sentiment and calls for urgent action to protect religious freedom and uphold the country’s secular spirit.

A systemic failure to protect Christians

For years, political leaders and state authorities have failed to understand or respect the Christian faith, which is deeply rooted in the principles of love, compassion, and non-coercion. Despite being one of the world’s major religions, Christianity in India is met with increasing belittlement, oppression, and violence. This troubling trend reveals a systemic failure to protect Christians and ensure their right to worship freely.

The misuse of conversion allegations

The accusation of forced conversions has become a weapon in the hands of extremists and corrupt officials. Time and again, Christians are wrongfully accused, tortured, and imprisoned on baseless charges of forcible conversion. Even when these cases reach the courts, they are routinely dismissed due to a lack of evidence, exposing the farcical nature of these allegations. Yet, the cycle of persecution continues, with no meaningful efforts by the government or judiciary to address the root causes.

The need for legal reforms and accountability

Dr. Mruthyunjaya advocates for the establishment of a special Legal Desk at the High Court and Supreme Court levels to scrutinize conversion-related cases before they are officially registered. This measure would prevent the misuse of the legal system against Christians and hold those responsible for filing false cases accountable. Such reforms are crucial to protecting the rights of Christians and ensuring that justice is not compromised by religious bias.

The role of Christian Organizations in advocating for justice

Christian communities and organizations must unite in their efforts to denounce these injustices and demand action from the government. Dr. Mruthyunjaya praises the Andhra Pradesh Pastors Federation for their initiatives and calls on other Christian bodies to join forces in a collective appeal to national and local leaders. By raising a united voice, the Christian minority can push for the necessary legal and policy changes to safeguard their rights.

The responsibility of state leadership

Dr. Mruthyunjaya expresses concern over the perceived bias of the Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister towards Christians, urging him to adopt a more inclusive approach. As a leader of a diverse state, the Chief Minister must treat all religious communities equally, without yielding to external pressures. This is essential to maintaining the secular fabric of the state and ensuring that no community is unjustly targeted.

A fervent call for action and justice

The views expressed by Dr. L K Mruthyunjaya underscore the urgent need for legal reforms, accountability, and a collective Christian response to the growing persecution. It is time for India to uphold its constitutional values and ensure that justice is not denied to any of its citizens based on their faith. The time for action is now.

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