
Minister Savita urges vigilance in welfare hostels amid heavy rains

By Doruvu Paul Jagan Babu:Bureau Chief

Andhra Pradesh: In light of the ongoing heavy rains across the state, BC Welfare Minister Savita has issued a directive to BC Welfare Secretary Pola Bhaskar, emphasizing the need for heightened vigilance to safeguard the well-being of children residing in BC welfare hostels.

Ensuring safety and hygiene in hostels

Minister Savita, during a phone conversation on Sunday, instructed Secretary Bhaskar to maintain strict hygiene standards in BC welfare hostels. She emphasized that only boiled and filtered water should be provided to students, and meals should be served hot to prevent the spread of infectious diseases. Additionally, students residing in buildings prone to rainwater leakage must be relocated to safer accommodations until conditions improve.

Medical supervision and proactive measures

The Minister stressed the importance of immediate medical attention for any student displaying symptoms such as fever. She advised that medical services should be made readily available, and where possible, students should remain under medical supervision. Minister Savita also directed the Secretary to ensure that district officials and wardens remain alert and responsive, with strict action to be taken against any negligence.

Alerting handloom workers to weather conditions

In a separate directive, Minister Savita instructed Handloom and Textile Commissioner Rekharani to keep handloom workers informed about the weather conditions. She emphasized the need for continuous communication between lower-level officials and leadership, based on reports from the weather department. The Minister also called for immediate reporting of any damages caused by the floods and rains.

These directives reflect the government’s proactive approach in managing the adverse effects of the heavy rains and ensuring the safety and well-being of vulnerable communities.

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