Awareness & Development

Microland Foundation, in partnership with Kotagiri Medical Fellowship


BENGALURU- India : In a significant step towards ensuring care for patients with disease-related suffering, Microland Foundation, in partnership with Kotagiri Medical Fellowship (KMF) hospital organized a day out for patients and caregivers to mark the occasion of World Disability Day on 3rd December, 2024.

This event celebrated wellness in the community and applauded the resilience and patience of the caregivers and patients who are facing difficult times with remarkable courage and perseverance. World Disability Day also serves as an important reminder to focus on the needs of palliative and chronically ill patients, advocating for greater awareness and support for their dignity, comfort, and quality of life.

Microland Foundation distributed dignity kits to patients with disease-related suffering. The amount for these kits was raised on Microland’s 35th anniversary. During this milestone, employees rose to the occasion and embraced the opportunity to give back to society, and Microland further supported the cause by adding a matching grant. This initiative is a part of Microland’s ‘Culture of Giving,’ a core philosophy which is a significant part of the fabric of Microland, inspiring employees to make a difference in society, uplift the underprivileged, and care for the environment.

Microland Foundation, in partnership with Kotagiri Medical Fellowship (KMF) Hospital, is supporting a patient-centered program tailored to address physical discomfort and emotional distress customized to the needs and preferences of patients with disease-related suffering and their caregivers. Dignity kits were distributed to these patients in remote areas. It contained essential wellness items, including warm blankets, nutritional supplements, and daily hygiene essentials to support health and the management of sores and wounds.

Dr. Tony Abraham Thomas, Medical Superintendent, KMF, speaking about the program, said, “The program is a seamless continuum of care, reaching patients, where they are most comfortable – at home. Home-based care, medication, nutritional support, access to medical devices, and even home modifications when needed, are provided to the patients through this project.

The family members or the community who are caregivers for the patient are trained by skilled nurses to provide timely care and improve the quality of life. Currently, this project serves 200 patients within a 20-km radius, offering home visits, telephonic follow-up, and hospitalization when needed.”

Kalpana Kar, Trustee, Microland Foundation, underscoring their commitment to collaborating in such initiatives stated, The stories of transformation from one of fear and loneliness to one of dignity and compassion strengthen our commitment to this initiative. This event highlights the larger effort being undertaken by the Microland Foundation to improve the lives of tribals in the Nilgiris”

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